Product Injury Attorney

by Admin

You may seek compensation for a personal injury suffered while using a consumer or commercial product as it was intended. The basis for making such a claim depends on the unique facts for each case.

For example, you can prevail in your case if it can be proved that the product was defective and the defect was in fact the cause of your injury. In such a case, in the normal use of the product, something in the product itself malfunctioned or broke and as a result, the product harmed you. A real life example could include a defective automobile tires that implodes upon use on the highway.

Likewise, another way to prevail in your case is if you can prove that the product itself was inherently dangerous and the manufacturer failed to warn you of the danger so you could take the appropriate precautions. Real life examples could include machinery with concealed sharp and moving parts but no warning of the same or perhaps prescription medicine that causes unintended harmful side affects.

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